
festival-cli reads and loads its configuration file, festival-cli.toml, on startup. It controls various behaviors of festival-cli.

Exactly where this file is depends on the OS, more details in the Disk section.

Command Line flags will override any overlapping config values.


This is the default configuration file festival-cli creates and uses.

If festival-cli is started with no --flags, e.g:

festival-cli <METHOD>

Then it will be equivalent to this config file.

# festival-cli.toml #
# This is `festival-cli`'s config file.                          #
# It is in the TOML ( format. #
#                                                                #
# Values will be loaded from this file on startup.               #
# If overlapping `--command-flags` are provided,                 #
# they will be used instead.                                     #
#                                                                #
# For full documentation on config options, see:                 #
# <>                     #

#                         NETWORK                          #
# The protocol, IPv4 address, and port of the
# `festivald` that `festival-cli` will connect
# to by default.
# Protocol must be:
#   - http
#   - https
# IP address must be IPv4.
# DEFAULT | ""
# EXAMPLE | "", ""
# TYPE    | string
festivald = ""

# Set a timeout for a non-responding `festivald`
# If the request & response time to/from `festivald`
# takes up more than this amount of seconds,
# `festival-cli` will disconnect.
# 0 means never disconnect.
# VALUES  | 2.5, 5, 10.111, 60
# TYPE    | integer or non-negative float
timeout = 0

# Route connections through a proxy
# Requests/responses will be routed via this proxy.
# Supported proxies are: `HTTP`, `SOCKS4`, and `SOCKS5`.
# The input must be:
#   - Proxy protocol (`http://`, `socks4://`, `socks5://`)
#   - Proxy IP
#   - Proxy port
# DEFAULT | "" (disabled)
# EXAMPLE | "socks5://", ""
# TYPE    | string (URL)
proxy = ""

#                        JSON-RPC                          #
# The `JSON-RPC 2.0` ID to send to `festivald`.
# See below for more info:
# <>
# DEFAULT | "festival-cli"
# VALUES  | 0, 1, "1", "Hello"
# TYPE    | unsigned integer, string, or null (commented out)
id = "festival-cli"

#                      AUTHORIZATION                       #
# Authorization sent to `festivald`.
# This matches the `authorization` config
# in `festivald`, see here for more info:
# <>
# A `festivald` with `HTTPS` or `.onion` must be
# used or `festival-cli` will refuse to start.
# An empty string disables this feature.
# Alternatively, you can input an absolute PATH to a file
# `festival-cli` can access, containing the string, e.g:
# ```
# authorization = "/path/to/user_and_pass.txt"
# ```
# In this case, `festival-cli` will read the file and attempt
# to parse it with the same syntax, i.e, the file should contain:
# ```
# my_user:my_pass
# ```
# DEFAULT | "" (disabled)
# EXAMPLE | "my_username:my_password", "my_username:aoig2A%^$AWS^%", "/path/to/file"
# TYPE    | string or PATH to file
authorization = ""

# Allow authorization even without TLS
# This will let you set the authorization
# setting even if TLS is disabled.
# This means your `user:pass` will be sent in clear-text HTTP,
# unless you are wrapping HTTP in something else, like SSH
# port forwarding, or Tor.
# This setting is automatically enabled if connecting
# to a `festivald` via an `.onion` service.
# DEFAULT | false
# VALUES  | true, false
# TYPE    | boolean
confirm_no_tls_auth = false