REST-specific API stability edge cases.


  1. For REST endpoints that serve large collections of files, the ZIP format will be used
  2. There is no compression applied to the files, they are stored as-is
  3. These ZIPs can be found the in Cache folder with the exact same name as sent to the client

These points are all 🟒 Stable.


ZIP files cannot have internal filenames with /, as that is the legal PATH separator, so all:

  • File names
  • Playlist names
  • Artist names
  • Album titles
  • Song titles

inside ZIPs that contain / will always be replaced with a single dash with no spaces: -

This also applies to the filename_separator, it cannot include /.


Artist/With/ # This is fine, the actual ZIP filename will be quoted.
  β”œβ”€Artist/With/Slash # This will be turned into `Artist-With-Slash`
      β”œβ”€ Album With//Slashes # This will be turned into `Album With--Slashes`
           β”œβ”€ Song With/A Slash # This will be turned into `Song With-A Slash`

This is πŸ”΄ Unstable. The behavior may change in the future.

Duplicate Filenames

When packaging Song's into ZIPs, if there a multiple Song's with the same name in the same Album, it will be suffixed with an incrementing number in parentheses starting from 1.

For example:

My Song.flac
My Song (1).flac
My Song (2).flac
My Song (3).flac

This is πŸ”΄ Unstable. The behavior may change in the future.

File Format & Names

The file format type and names of those files1 in the REST API are both 🟒 Stable.

(1 The filenames depend on the user-specified filename_separator, but the general formatting of them is stable)

The below example uses the default - as the filename_separator.

REST resourceFile Format TypeFilename Formatting
collectionzipCollection - ${CREATION_UNIX_TIMESTAMP}.zip
playlistzipPlaylist - ${PLAYLIST_NAME}.zip
albumzip${ARTIST_NAME} - ${ALBUM_TITLE}.zip
songOriginal audio format (flac, mp3, etc)${ARTIST_NAME} - ${ALBUM_TITLE} - ${SONG_TITLE}.${AUDIO_FORMAT}
artOriginal image format (png, jpg, etc)${ARTIST_NAME} - ${ALBUM_TITLE}.${IMAGE_FORMAT}

ZIP File Hierarchy

The file hierarchy within ZIPs, and the internal file/folder names are both 🟒 Stable.

This below example will be the same for the rest of festivald v1.x.x:

# Input

# Output

# Extracted
    β”œβ”€ ${ARTIST_NAME}/
    β”‚    β”‚
    β”‚    β”œβ”€ ${ALBUM_TITLE}/
    β”‚         β”‚
    β”‚         β”œβ”€ ${ALBUM_TITLE}.${IMAGE_FORMAT}
    β”‚         β”œβ”€ ${SONG_TITLE}.${AUDIO_FORMAT}
    β”œβ”€ ${ARTIST_NAME}/
    β”‚    β”‚
    β”‚    β”œβ”€ ${ALBUM_TITLE}/
    β”‚         β”‚
    β”‚         β”œβ”€ ${ALBUM_TITLE}.${IMAGE_FORMAT}
    β”‚         β”œβ”€ ${SONG_TITLE}.${AUDIO_FORMAT}
	[ ... etc ... ]