
🟡 Incomplete

This API's output may have additions in the future.

Remove a range of queue indices.

If either start or end is out-of-bounds, this method will do nothing.


startunsigned integerThe beginning index to start removing from
endunsigned integerThe index to stop at
skipbooleanShould we skip to the next song if the range includes the current one? false will leave playback as is, even if the current song is wiped from the queue.

start and end

This method will start removing from the start index up UNTIL the end index.

It is a NON-inclusive range, i.e: it is 0..4, not 0..=4.

For example, given "start": 0 and "end": 4:

# The queue.
index 0 | song_1 <--- We start removing from here.
index 1 | song_2    |
index 2 | song_3    |
index 3 | song_4 <--- To here.
index 4 | song_5 <--- This song is not removed.
index 5 | song_6


out_of_boundsbooleanIf either start or end was out-of-bounds
startunsigned integerThe provided start
endunsigned integerThe provided end
queue_lenunsigned integerThe queue length before removing

Example Request 1

Remove the 1st Song in the queue.

festival-cli queue_remove_range --start 0 --end 1 --skip
curl http://localhost:18425 -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"queue_remove_range","params":{"start":0,"end":1,"skip":true}}'

Example Request 2

Remove 2, 3, 4 from the queue.

festival-cli queue_remove_range --start 2 --end 5 --skip
curl http://localhost:18425 -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"queue_remove_range","params":{"start":2,"end":5,"skip":true}}'

Example Response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "out_of_bounds": false,
    "start": 2,
    "end": 5,
    "queue_len": 5
  "id": 0