REST Quick Start

A quick start to using festivald's REST API.

View random Album art in a web browser with /rand/art


Download a random Song with /rand/song


Download a random Album in the ZIP format with /rand/album


Download a specific Artist in the ZIP format with /map/$ARTIST_NAME

http://localhost:18425/map/Artist Name

Download a specific Album by specific Artist in the ZIP format with /map/$ARTIST_NAME

http://localhost:18425/map/Artist Name/Album Title

Download the currently set Song with /current/song


View the art of the currently set Song with /current/art


Download all the art belonging to an Artist with /art/$ARTIST_NAME

http://localhost:18425/art/Artist Name

Download all the Song's in a Playlist in the ZIP format with /playlist/$PLAYLIST_NAME

http://localhost:18425/playlist/My Playlist 1