
🟡 Incomplete

This API's output may have additions in the future.

Add an Album to the queue with an Artist name and Album title.


artiststringArtist name
albumstringAlbum title
appendstring, one of front, back or indexSee Queue/Append
clearbooleanShould the queue be cleared before adding?
playbooleanShould we start playing?
indexoptional (maybe-null) unsigned integerIf the index append is chosen, this will be the index used
offsetoptional (maybe-null) unsigned integerSee Queue/offset


result: null if everything went ok.

error: ... if there was an index/offset error.

Example Request 1

Add to back of the queue.

festival-cli queue_add_map_album --artist TWICE --album "PAGE TWO" --append back
curl http://localhost:18425 -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"queue_add_map_album","params":{"artist":"TWICE","album":"PAGE TWO","append":"back","clear":false,"play":false}}'

Example Request 2

Insert at queue index 4.

festival-cli queue_add_map_album --artist TWICE --album "PAGE TWO" --append index --index 4 
curl http://localhost:18425 -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"queue_add_map_album","params":{"artist":"TWICE","album":"PAGE TWO","append":"index","clear":false,"play":false,"index":4}}'

Example Request 3

Clear the queue, add all the Song's in this Album, but start at the 5th Song (offset 4).

festival-cli queue_add_map_album --artist TWICE --album "PAGE TWO" --append front --clear --play --offset 4
curl http://localhost:18425 -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"queue_add_map_album","params":{"artist":"TWICE","album":"PAGE TWO","append":"front","clear":true,"play":true,"offset":4}}'

Example Response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null, // <--- everything went ok.
  "id": 0