
🟢 Stable

This API is stable since festivald v1.0.0.

Retrieve full data of all Playlist's.

Playlists are sorted by their names in lexicographical order.




all_validbooleanIf every Playlist Entry is valid
playlist_lenunsigned integerHow many Playlist's there are
entry_lenunsigned integerHow many total Playlist Entry's there are
valid_lenunsigned integerHow many Playlist Entry's are valid
invalid_lenunsigned integerHow many Playlist Entry's are invalid
playlistsmap of Playlist objectsThe map's field keys are string's, the playlist names themselves

Example Request

festival-cli playlist_full
curl http://localhost:18425 -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"playlist_full"}'

Example Response 1

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "all_valid": false,
    "playlist_len": 2,
    "entry_len": 3,
    "valid_len": 2,
    "invalid_len": 1,
    "playlists": { // <--- Note the '{' not '[' - this is a MAP not an ARRAY
      "hello": [ // <--- This Playlist's name is "hello"
          "valid": {
            "key_artist": 46,
            "key_album": 168,
            "key_song": 1762,
            "artist": "Artist Name",
            "album": "Album Title",
            "song": "Song Title"
      "hmm": [ // <--- This Playlist's name is "hmm"
          "invalid": {
            "artist": "Artist Name",
            "album": "Album Title",
            "song": "Song Title"
          "valid": {
            "key_artist": 46,
            "key_album": 168,
            "key_song": 1762,
            "artist": "Artist Name",
            "album": "Album Title",
            "song": "Song Title"
  "id": 0

Example Response 2

If there are no playlists at all:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "all_valid": true,
    "playlist_len": 0,
    "entry_len": 0,
    "valid": 0,
    "invalid": 0,
    "playlists": {} // Empty MAP, not array `[]`
  "id": 0

Example Response 3

If there is 1 empty playlist:

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
    "all_valid": true,
    "playlist_len": 1,
    "entry_len": 0,
    "valid_len": 0,
    "invalid_len": 0,
    "playlists": {
      "hello": [] // <--- One empty playlist named "hello"
  "id": 0