
🟡 Incomplete

This API's output may have additions in the future.

Seek forwards/backwards or to an absolute second in the current Song.

Seeking forwards pass the remaining Song length will finish the Song.

Seeking to an absolute position longer than the Song length will also finish the Song.

Seeking backwards more than already-played Song length will reset the Song.


kindstring, one of forward, backward, absoluteThe "type" of seeking we should do. forward means advance the current Song by the provided second. backward means go back in the current Song by the provided second. absolute means skip to the exact second in the Song, e.g, to skip to the 1 minute mark in the current Song, you would use absolute + 60.
secondunsigned integerThe second to seek forward/backwards/to.


null if everything went ok.

Example Request

festival-cli seek --kind absolute --second 60
curl http://localhost:18425 -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":0,"method":"seek","params":{"kind":"absolute","second":60}}'

Example Response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": null, // <--- everything went ok.
  "id": 0