
🟢 Stable

This API is stable since festivald v1.0.0.

Playlist's are objects where

  • The key is the playlist name (string)
  • The value is an array of Entry-like objects, Playlist Entries
${PLAYLIST_NAME}array of Playlist Entry'sThe name of the playlist as the key, and the Song entries in an array

Playlist Entry

The Entry object in the context of playlists is similar to Entry, except it does not have the path field.

The Playlist Entry takes 2 forms: valid & invalid:

Playlist Entry formMeaning
validThis is a valid Song; it exists within the current Collection
invalidThis Song does NOT exist in the current Collection, although it did in a previous one (it may have been lost in-between Collection resets)

These objects will appear in playlist-related methods, like playlist_full & playlist_single.


  "hello": [ // <--- the playlist name is "hello"
    // This is an "valid" entry.
    // The underlying Song exists in the current Collection.
      "valid": {
        "key_artist": 46,
        "key_album": 168,
        "key_song": 1756,
        "artist": "Artist Name",
        "album": "Album Title",
        "song": "Song Title"
    // This is an "invalid" entry.
    // The underlying Song doesn't exist in Collection anymore.
      "invalid": {
        "artist": "Artist Name",
        "album": "Album Title",
        "song": "Song Title"


The data definition for valid playlist entry types.

Exact same as Entry but does not have path.

key_artistArtist key (unsigned integer)This entry's Artist key
key_albumAlbum key (unsigned integer)This entry's Album key
key_songSong key (unsigned integer)This entry's Song key
artiststringThe Artist name
albumstringThe Album title
songstringThe Song title


  "key_artist": 46,
  "key_album": 168,
  "key_song": 1762,
  "artist": "Artist Name",
  "album": "Album Title",
  "song": "Song Title"


The data definition for invalid playlist entry types is the same as valid, but with no keys.

artiststringThe Artist name
albumstringThe Album title
songstringThe Song title


  "artist": "Artist Name",
  "album": "Album Title",
  "song": "Song Title"


Upon a Collection reset, it is not guaranteed that the same Song's will even exist at all.

This is a problem since existing Playlist's may now be referencing Song's that don't exist anymore.

The way festivald handles this is not to delete them, but "mark" those entries as invalid.

These invalid entries will continue to exist indefinitely.

Upon every future Collection reset, if an invalid entry is able to recover (a matching Song file is found with the correct metadata), it will turn back into a valid entry automatically.