
This is the same as the /key endpoint, but instead of numbers, you can directly use:

  • Artist names
  • Album titles
  • Song titles

So instead of:


you can use:

http://localhost:18425/map/Artist Name/Artist Title/Song Title

Browsers will secretly percent-encode this URL, so it'll actually be:


This is fine, festivald will decode it, along with any other percent encoding, so you can use spaces or any other UTF-8 characters directly in the URL:

http://localhost:18425/map/артист/❤️/ヒント じゃない

The reason Artist names and Album titles have to be specified is to prevent collisions.

If there's 2 songs in your Collection called: Hello World, which one should festivald return?

Since Artist names are unique, and Album titles within Artist's are unique, they serve as an identifier.

Also note: words are case-sensitive and must be exact.

If you have an Album called Hello World, none of these inputs will work:

  • Hello world
  • hello World
  • HELlo World
  • HelloWorld
  • H3ll0 W0rld

The input must exactly be Hello World.